Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sunday V


Monday, August 20, 2007

Books I Don't Want In My Library

What crime have I committed to deserve this list? Why must I suffer so? Weep. Weep for me as I make the slow and arduous journey into the campus bookstore to buy all of these text books tomorrow.

Spoon - The Book I Write

Sunday Art IV

My little buddy, Nathan, helped me fill in a face for the star I made during their free art time. I told him to make it like the stars in Mario Super Bro. games. So he gave it eyebrows and a grin.

Ulrich Schnauss - Stars

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Dance, Monkey, Dance!

I'm not a dancer, anyone who knows me can attest to this truth. I've never really wanted to learn or be good at it either as I detest clubs, bars or whatever other hellhole the whole 20s age group choose as their hangout spot (I feel old just saying that).

But while watching my daily dose of VH1 Classics and more specifically an old Janet Jackson video, a thought came to me: Someone should put these dance moves into a choreography teaching DVD because I would so learn how to do these 80s video dances in a heartbeat. How great would it be if the situation arose where I was called out or challenged to a dance-off and I just busted out those moves? Pretty freaking great, I say.

UPDATE: The video(s) that started it all.

Chromeo - Fancy Footwork

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Sunday Art III

Starch + Tissue Paper = Fun But Crappy Art

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Andrea Digs [Insert Artist/Song Here] - August '07

While trolling through my usual music blog roll list, I randomly branched off onto a new (to me) music blog called The Pelican's Perch. There I found Wolftron, (fronted by Kenny Choi) and instantly was attracted to its sound. I'm sure the name conjurs up the thought of it having a synth or some funk electronic mess of sound, but I'm happy to report it is not so. It's a surprisingly light sound, with mellowness and a hint of sadness and longing. I'm already getting into a seasonal Fall mood with school fast approaching, and Wolftron fits perfectly. It did take me a little time to get used to Choi's constantly filtered and echoed voice, but I've learned to enjoy it. His music stands way out beyond the voice, so I can tolerate. I know, it's big of me.

If you like what you hear, Choi is putting his whole album on PureVolume for free download. So go snag some tracks and enjoy!

Wolftron - Uglybird
Wolftron - Two

Some other tracks I'm listening to:

Interpol - "Pace Is The Trick"
Iron & Wine - "Resurrection Fern"
Airiel - "Sugar Crystals"
Bishop Allen - "Rain"
Emerson Hart - "Cigarettes and Gasoline"

Friday, August 3, 2007

AARP's Newest Member(s)

(1 year of membership seemed logical. I might bite the dust before 2 or 3 years are up.)

Pete Yorn - "Old Boy"
Bright Eyes - "Old Soul Song (For the New World)"
Wilco - "When You Wake Up Feeling Old"