I'm not a dancer, anyone who knows me can attest to this truth. I've never really wanted to learn or be good at it either as I detest clubs, bars or whatever other hellhole the whole 20s age group choose as their hangout spot (I feel old just saying that).
But while watching my daily dose of VH1 Classics and more specifically an old Janet Jackson video, a thought came to me: Someone should put these dance moves into a choreography teaching DVD because I would so learn how to do these 80s video dances in a heartbeat. How great would it be if the situation arose where I was called out or challenged to a dance-off and I just busted out those moves? Pretty freaking great, I say.
Chromeo - Fancy Footwork
I weep bitter tears for whomever you 'serve' with those moves.
I'll be right alongside you...
you're on your own on that one...the wanting to learn.
if ya do, you gotta get some moves from Bel BIv Devoe. LOL!
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