Monday, December 17, 2007

Top 10 Songs Part I - 2007

2007 - It was a pretty great year in many respects. Some highlights are : I got into grad school, hell, I finished my undergraduate degree; I'm in London for nine days (a post recapping all that glory later); I was 21 for most of the year; and I went on a entertainment overload rampage with movies, T.V. and music, which sounds a little sad but it really isn't. At least in my head it isn't and that's where it counts. So that leads to the first of a series of posts that will list and dissect what my favorite things were the past year. Music! Since I absorb so much music yearly I can never settle on just a 5, or even a 10 for me is a struggle. But I forced myself to just stick with a top 10 and here's the #10-6 countdown.

[Destroy All Evidence (Nicole) and I are trying to pump these out together around the same time, but my being out of the country has caused a little delay. But London I guess is a modern city or something, because I see Internet Cafes strewn everywhere, and it's fun to get an internet fix amidst all the walking, play-watching, and shopping.]

10. Bear McCreary - "Reuniting the Fleet"

My favorite drama show and hands down the best score on T.V. This song is all inspirational, motivational, and kickass-ational. It's mostly guaranteed that a track from soundtrack season 3 or 4 will make its way onto the 2008 mix because Bear is surefire composer.

9. Ryan Adams - "If I'm a Stranger"

This version is a bit scratchy and rough but it has much more oomph behind it than the studio version. I dig it. A lot.

"For all the hours here that move to slow
There's all this letting go, that won't pass
If all this love is real, how will we know?
And if were only scared of losing it, how will it last?

If I am a stranger now to you
I will always be, I will always be
Stronger now than me, stronger than you
Our love will always be
If we let it go, I will try to be there for you
I will try to be there for you
I will try to be there for you"

8. Glen Hansard - "Say It To Me Now"

I had most of the songs to Once before I saw the movie and I was still affected by the songs. Glen Hansard's voice is like a dagger, it's so packed with emotion and power. Gorgeously sad song.

"Cause this is what you've waited for
A chance to even up the score
And as these shadows fall on me now
I will somehow

Cause I'm picking up a message Lord
And I'm closer than I've ever been before

So if you have something to say
Say it to me now"

7. Enigma - "Prism of Life"

Enigma - oh, how you bring me such joy. I'm not sure why, but a well-placed chorus of singers in a song can make me a happy girl. Sure it's cheesy, but I really don't see why some Euro cheese can't be a good part of the music diet.

"And when it seems that we're in a dead end street
There's no reason to cry
Cause we have a helping hand who's always aside"

6. Delirious? - "Our God Reigns"

The combination of old-school use of choir and traditional chorus lyrics mixed with modern issues and a soaring climax make for a potent song. Throw in gorgeous piano and violins for good measure and it has hit the near top of my favorites. Oh, and they're British.

"The west has found a gun and it’s loaded with ‘unsure’
Nip and tuck if you have the bucks in a race to find a cure.
Psalm one hundred and thirty nine is the conscience to our selfish crime,
God didn’t screw up when he made you,
He’s a father who loves to parade you."

1 comment:

Swoz said...

Solid choices for sure. I assume the rest will be as good?

Don't anger the swoz.