Saturday, August 4, 2007

Andrea Digs [Insert Artist/Song Here] - August '07

While trolling through my usual music blog roll list, I randomly branched off onto a new (to me) music blog called The Pelican's Perch. There I found Wolftron, (fronted by Kenny Choi) and instantly was attracted to its sound. I'm sure the name conjurs up the thought of it having a synth or some funk electronic mess of sound, but I'm happy to report it is not so. It's a surprisingly light sound, with mellowness and a hint of sadness and longing. I'm already getting into a seasonal Fall mood with school fast approaching, and Wolftron fits perfectly. It did take me a little time to get used to Choi's constantly filtered and echoed voice, but I've learned to enjoy it. His music stands way out beyond the voice, so I can tolerate. I know, it's big of me.

If you like what you hear, Choi is putting his whole album on PureVolume for free download. So go snag some tracks and enjoy!

Wolftron - Uglybird
Wolftron - Two

Some other tracks I'm listening to:

Interpol - "Pace Is The Trick"
Iron & Wine - "Resurrection Fern"
Airiel - "Sugar Crystals"
Bishop Allen - "Rain"
Emerson Hart - "Cigarettes and Gasoline"


Anonymous said...

Glad you liked Wolftron and that you stopped by my blog in general. Keep in touch and if you ever want to talk music, my screen name is Pelican473. See ya!

Anonymous said...

Genial brief and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.