Monday, October 29, 2007


My Graduate School application is due by Thursday. Online application sent in and being processed? Check. CBEST taken and kicked up and down the block for drill? Check. Letter of Intent, the previous bane of my existence now written and officially amazing? Hell yes, Check (Thanks Nicole!). Three letters of recommendation from professors or associates in the field? Che--, well, not so much. I've confirmed with two of the three that they sent in their letters, so huge mop up of the sweaty brow there. The only thing remaining for me to worry about is this third floater. He's known to be unresponsive and slow with getting these things in, but for the ones he does write a letter for, he rocks it. I decided to take the gamble (Honestly, he's the only one I made an effort to get to know, so my options were basically him or him. But he really is super nice and ridiculously smart, he being my option is a good struggle). So I'm currently on Operation: Harass-A-Professor. I am pathetically emailing and leaving voicemail messages on his office phone with the hope that he will get tired of seeing my email address and hearing my trying-to-be-sweet-while-gently-browbeating-him voice on his phone. The pain will end for him and for me once he just prints out that letter, gets up from his chair, walks about 30 feet down the hall and hands it in. Cross fingers!

Beck - "Timebomb"

Update: He emailed today and said it would be sent in on time. Huzzah!


Swoz said...


I'll seriously throw a party when you make it.

Nicole said...

I'm telling you, we seriously kicked that letter square in the ass. Like Will and Boogie, season 7. Or the Donatos, season 8. Or Ricky Gervais, wherever he goes.

tikilights said...

It was a glorious moment. I felt the energy from the packet as I handed it in last week.